Fyra B. Ginn

About the Author

Fyra B. Ginn lives on the planet earth where she enjoys the natural wildlife as well as the vast and diverse cultures of the native inhabitants. Her favorite earth foods include spaghetti, ice cream, and celery, because balance. She has procured an earth animal for personal use of the spitz breeds that has a working lineage of transporting humans through climates with crystalline water flakes. She has recently become what the earthlings call, "single" again after legal dissolution of a civil union with one of the earth males. In her free time, of which she has none, in part thanks to her animal companion, she enjoys long, slow physical movements through the environment close to noisy water that constantly threatens the land barrier. She has been earth educated in auditory sound patterns, the study of how people choose to people, and the study of the earthlings' individual biological mainframes. Please support this author if you have a sense of humor by purchasing one of the two novels currently available from The Phoenix Chronicles, available at major online retailers.